Oh! That's A Scary Movie
Oh! That's A Scary Movie
084: Body Bags ft. Josh from The VHS Files
In 1993, John Carpenter and Tobe Hooper joined forces to make a quirky horror anthology series for Showtime. That project fell apart, but we still got this charmingly weird flick out of it! Our friend Josh Browning (The VHS Files, Body Bags) helps us unpack these three tales of terror. We're talking '80s action heroes, our prized videotapes, and all things Carpenter in this extra-sized episode!
Check out Josh's shows at the following links:
The VHS Files/For New Eyes Only: https://thevhsfiles.com/
Body Bags: https://www.youtube.com/@body-bags
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Music in this episode:
OTASM Theme song:
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 5WEXHXHOK30CKEKU